NOTE: All copyrights and rights to the music created and its performance are retained by Kathy Landry.
You may download the recording to your devices for your enjoyment. If you are a healing arts practicioner, etc. you may play your MP3 copy of the music during healing sessions that you give or workshops/group meditations that you facilitate, but all federal copyright laws apply, such that the music may not be duplicated or sold. It also can not be reproduced into any other audio or video recording such as background of a meditation, etc. without permission and arrangement with Kathy Landry.
NOTE: A Music from Spirit Session and its recording is not intended as a substitute for medical
or psychological treatment for humans, nor veterinarian care and professional animal behavior therapy for animals.
“I cannot get enough of the music CD (digital keyboard) from my sound healing session. The best I can describe the music is that it sounds like the way one feels when there is a new and better plateau. The music is like hope, except it is hope as a reality – not a desire.”
~ J.O., Houston
“Your gifted music and intuitive ability touches one at so many levels of heart, soul, and spirit. Your intuitiveness keyed into areas with me to open and bring
out that blocked up expression that gets bogged down. Thank you for sharing the love that radiates from
every note."
~ NanMcC, Reiki Master
“I noticed my muscles release their tension, my breathing becoming deeper and slower and a greater awareness of what felt like circulation throughout
my body. The best things I experienced are difficult to put into words, but can best be described as a sense of healing taking place in my body.
I felt, rather than heard the music, and it felt as though it were playing to directly support my energy
and health.”
~ C.J., Massage Therapy Instructor
“Kathy’s work is far more than beautiful music…it’s healing energy that goes
to the very core of the heart.”
~ Patrick Finney, Energy Healer/Teacher
"The music brought us peace and made us more effective caregivers."
~ A Hospice Group
Composed Spiritually & Intuitively (by Kathy)
Specifically for You!
Deeply intricate and richly patterned digital keyboard music improvisationally created - especially and uniquely for you
(or for your family member, friend, or animal companion)
to vibrationally support healing, peace, empowerment, emotional release, meditation, spiritual & multidimensional awareness, innate intuition, spiritual & life missions, & stress reduction - and to assist you in aligning with your highest destiny at this particular time.
A profound and cutting edge tool for attracting and creating your own reality.
Sound Samples:
The following clips are all from unedited music that was intuitively improvised (live in the moment) by Kathy - for clients in previous private music sessions.
Be sure to listen to all of them to experience the full array of gorgeous instrument sounds, vibration, energy,
& melodic musicality that Kathy draws from - as guided - when creating individualized music.
(These are the same clips displayed on our cover photo at the top
-of this page)
* Your (or your loved one's) one of a kind musical invocation will be just as deeply dynamic - and filled with beautiful sound tones that are intuitively chosen by guidance from your spiritual connections...and blended in ways to specifically reach out to you in your current process. Portions of the music will be so naturally layered and harmonically rich that it approaches the intricacy of an orchestrated symphony.
When composing, Kathy draws as guided from an infinite potential of sound. The music created is unique, vast, limitless, non-repetitive, and always different, even when creating music multiple times to support the same individual - the music is always intuited 'in the now'.
* If you are a health care professional, massage therapist, energy healing practicioner or other healing arts facilitator, or an animal care professional, you may have music intuitively created that expresses your unique empowering and nurturing energy. Playing the music as a vibrational backdrop during your work can support both you AND your clients/patients.
Sessions are available remotely. MP3 recording included.
A profoundly gifted psychic medium & spiritual intuitive, Kathy connects with your soul
and divine connections, and intuitively composes music - live in the moment -
that specifically empowers your heart, mind, & body... at this exact juncture in your
creation of your reality.
The music is a powerful tool to support you in living your soul's purpose and creating
peace and well-being, and also provides energetic support regarding any current
challenges in the actualization of your intentions.
Kathy can either allow what spontaneously flows through the music to flow, or you
may request a particular focus for the music to support, such as a situation you intend
to heal, or something you intend to attract into your reality.
The ultimate and endless value of your session is that everytime you listen to
your recording of this vibrationally personalized soundscape while meditating
and feeling/visualizing your intentions, as well as when you play it during daily
routine activities or sleeping,you are triggered on both a conscious and
subconscious level to align yourself energetically with your soul's intentions.
Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Life Paths, House Warming, Pregnancy, Birth, Weddings,
New Animal Companion, Surgery, the Process of Transition from this Life, Memorial
Services, Communicating with Loved Ones in Spirit (human or animals), Spiritual Events
such as Equinoxes, Multidimensional Awareness, Past-life Regresssion, etc.
Practitioners and instructors of Reiki, Energy healing work, massage therapy, Yoga, and other
Healing Arts modalities, as well as Medical and Health professionals often find that the music
that has been created personally for them is ideal to play during their own work with clients or patients...reporting that it deeply supports their own energy and well-being as a practitioner,
and additionally brings benefits to the client/patient.
GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE or music can just be directly created as a supportive
gift from you to a friend or family member (human or animal).
Intuitively Created Digital Keyboard Music
Intricate and richly patterned music & energy created specifically and uniquely for you from your spiritual connections - to support you in aligning with your highest destiny at this particular time
Included: MP3 Recording of Music
*Your recording will be 15 minutes of
unique, non-repetitive, intuited music
Recorded Verbal Explanation & Intuitive Insights from Kathy about the individualized energy and processes that are within the music created for you - and where those occur in the music!
(Regularly $350)
Included: * MP3 Recording of Music
* MP3 Recording of Verbal Explanation
Intuitively Created Digital Keyboard Music
Intricate and richly patterned music & energy created specifically and uniquely for you from your spiritual connections - to support you in aligning with your highest destiny at this particular time
Included: MP3 Recording of Music
(regularly $250)
*Your recording will be 15 minutes of
unique, non-repetitive, intuited music
Because your experience of the sound and vibration of the music will be of a profoundly higher quality and benefit if you hear it for the first time via the recording of it (rather than over a telephone), your music will be intuitively created in-absentia, through the presence and guidance
of your spiritual sources - no appointment needed.
You will be contacted (by email) before your music is created,
and if there is a specific focus you would like the music to address,
you will be given the opportunity to request it.
Allow 4 weeks after ordering to receive your mp3 recording.

(The music that is endorsed are collections of excerpts from previous personalized music sessions.)
“Let your heart and soul be kissed and exalted by the Angels by listening to this spiritually moving music [For Love Of the Soul CD].” --- Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times
best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul ®
“Kathy Landry's By Whisper Of Angels is a constant source of joy and inspiration to me.
Her music will truly open your heart and nourish your soul.”
-- Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D. - Best-Selling Author/TV Personality
“Kathy Landry’s beautiful work 'For Love of the Soul' facilitates the connection of heaven and earth."
-- John Randolph Price, Best-selling author of The Abundance Book and The Angels Within Us
-- Jan Price, author of The Other Side of Death
INVESTMENT: Special Offer for the FIRST 2 who order!
** Special Offer **
For the FIRST 3 who order!
Psychic Medium
Published Composer / Keyboard Artist
Please enjoy these audio samples
of music that was intuitively improvised (live in the moment) by Kathy - for clients in previous private music sessions.