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Vibrationally Personalized Toning,Vocalizing,
& Chanting

This session does NOT include verbal intuitive support.

Includes: Recording of Sound Healing
(All copyrights retained by Kathy Landry)

30 Min. Session
(Includes 15 - 20 min. of very concentrated, varied, and deeply focused, personalized sound energetics - not repetitive 'songs'.  Additional minutes include discussing focus of your session, energetic preparation with you, and possibly some verbal guidance during your receiving of the sound)
Includes: CD of Music
(All copyrights retained by Kathy Landry)

10 Min. CD of intuitively personalized, highly focused, intricate music - containing layers of energetic support specifically for you RIGHT NOW!   
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Included: CD of Music (All copyrights retained by Kathy Landry) + CD of Angel Clairaudient Session (includes verbal translation of music & additional intuitive insights from the Angels!)
10 Min. CD of intuitively personalized, highly focused, intricate music - containing layers of energetic support specifically for you RIGHT NOW! 

1 Hour CD of Angel Clairaudient Session  
Purchase session(s) of your choice here first.  Then, whenever you are ready to view available appointment times and to reserve yours,

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